Where We Came From
We started our little company back in 2008 in the sleepy little city of Eugene, Oregon. Nestled in between the Cascade mountain range and the Pacific Ocean.
We had the best of both worlds within an hours drive in either direction. My buddies and I would drive up to our favorite local mountain, Willamette Pass and snowboard on the weekends. It was back than that Grace Folly was born.
Look at us, we had no idea, about anything. But we did know one thing, these face masks were badass. I made the first face mask in my bedroom on a small singer sewing machine. Didn't really know what I was doing, but had a decent Idea of what I wanted. You see, back in 2008, there wasn't much in the way of face masks available. Mostly just what had been around for the last 20 years. Just some simple Neoprene masks that no one really thought twice about. They worked. But I wanted to make something better, so thats what I did.
At first, it was just for me. I didn't think we would actually make anything out of this little experiment. There was the first mask for myself, and then a second for a buddy, and then next thing you know, the whole crew was rocking Grace Folly, but we just didn't know it yet. And the rest is history.
To Be Continued...